Tim Peck


Cycling Weekly


Wild Northeast Magazine

Salsa Cycles Journal


Cycling Sommelier: Pairing the Xnhat and Gravel Riders

Riding the Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail (XNHAT) on a Salsa Journeyer gravel bike.


Vermont Sports Magazine


The Vermont 5

Some people hike New Hampshire's 48 4,000-footers, others the 46 in the ADK. These two summited Vermont's 4,000 footers in a day. 


RV Magazine


Passaconaway: A Frightful Fall RV Trip

You have to RV to this Spooky New Hampshire ghost town.


Powder7 Ski Shop


Field Mag


Follow my latest outdoor adventures and writing on the outdoor ninja. 

It's hard to believe I created the Outdoor Ninja back in 2010—well before I began to write professionally—as a way to let my family and friends stay up to date with what I was doing in the outdoors. I occasionally flirted with monetizing the site, but in the end, I decided it was enjoyable to have a place for me to simply write whatever was on my mind, tell people about my latest adventures, and point them in the direction of my most recent published articles. 

Today, I find it entertaining to look back at my early posts and appreciate just how far I have come as a writer. Seven years and who knows how many words, sentences, and paragraphs later, the writing currently comes much more naturally. While my earliest posts reflect the copy of a novice, the Outdoor Ninja proved to be a launching point for my writing career and now boasts over 25 pages of content to sift through.